30 November 2013

50,000 page views! My top 5 landscape photos - No. 5

Wow! My blog has now had over 50,000 page views! Not what I anticipated when I first started but I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read my blog and hope you have gotten something out of it :)

To celebrate 50,000 views I am sharing my top 5 views of my favourite landscapes with you in pictures over the next few days, with a little bit about why I chose it. I will post 1 "view" for every 10,000 page views (love a good play on words). These pictures are all my personal photos of places I have been (unless otherwise stated) and therefore are pretty limited to my favourite holiday snaps within Australia and parts of the United States.

In no necessary order:

No. 5 – Moraine Lake – Alberta, Canada

28 November 2013

Thursday Thought - Show Up to Life

If you read my blog often, you will notice I like consuming wellness content! I am a giant sponge and want to soak up all info I can get my hands on because I like learning and it keeps me motivated. After attending two wellness related workshops this year (review here and another one soon) I started writing some tips if you are attending any sort of wellness session. As I wrote I thought, “hang on”, these things should not only be applied to workshops but life in general!

The lovely background image is named escape of the dandelions by Ines Perkovic

Do you show up to your own life? You may show up for your loved ones, work, that dentist appointment you have been putting off, but what about your life. It can be hard not to go through the motions while your mind drifts off elsewhere or take the path you should follow over the one that you want. This is a pretty big topic and there is lots of online content going way deeper into this. 

Tips for attending Workshops Life

26 November 2013

How to get FIT for FREE - Ways to work out without spending a cent - Part 1

So you want to get fit but you either:

a) can't afford a gym membership;
b) don't like gyms; or
c) can't be bothered going to a gym.

FIRSTLY - you need to be self motivated for these methods to work (so option C does not really help you here), there won't be a personal trainer or class instructor there pushing you, that part is up to YOU! The fact that you are reading this at least says you have some form of motivation inside you.

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily." -  Zig Ziglar

Yep, it's on you to get out there! Need some help? Enlist a friend to go with you, meeting up for a walk is a great way to catch up one on one with your pals without distractions, and is a lot cheaper and healthier then shopping or having dinners and drinks.

We all love free stuff so here are some ideas on things you can do to get moving, without joining up to a gym and parting with those hard earned $$$$.

Part 1 - Get Outside

25 November 2013

Wise Words

I stumbled across this list online tonight and just had to share it with you all immediately! The existing images were pretty boring so I created this graphic using an old instagram photo and added it to Pintrest for your pinning pleasure.

They sound quite easy don't they? Take a moment to check in with yourself and think about how many of these things you actually practice in your everyday life. How often do you allow others to control you, hold onto something, give up or not be your authentic self? Share your thoughts in the comments below or jump on twitter.

A simple truth is always the best truth. Nice one Ghandi.

Flick xx

14 November 2013

Thursday Thought - Get out of your comfort zone

Hello everyone!

Just a quick post to say sorry I have been away for so long, the real world 'out there' has been keeping me very busy lately with exams at University but I am now on holidays, yay! That means that I will be getting back to my regular posts. In the meantime each Thursday I will share some of my favourite thoughts that I find floating around online. You have probably seen this one,  it is from good old Pintrest, I just love the graphic.

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Share your thoughts in the comments or tweet me @flick_kitty.

Flick xx